How high is the qualitie of a chatbot?

08 Apr, 2021 in Chatbots | 3 mins lees tijd
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What is the current quality of a chatbot? Exactly what questions can the chatbot answer? These are two common questions we often hear from companies hesitating between a chatbot and live chat. We are happy to explain this for you to help you choose!

What does the quality of a chatbot depend on?

The quality of chatbots varies from company to company and depends on 2 factors:

The software you choose lies at the heart of quality. The more features the software offers and the more advanced it is, the higher the quality. Even more important is training the chatbot. There are always questions that cannot be answered by the bot. It is necessary to take action so that the same question can be answered in the future. Optimizing the knowledge base or file of the chatbot is extremely important to deliver quality.

Increase quality, train your chatbot

As with live chat , an optimized knowledge base is needed from which the chatbot can extract answers. Simple questions regarding contact information such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers and opening hours are quickly and easily answered by the bot. Complex questions about practices, very specific details of products and services, or comparisons between products cannot always be answered. This depends on the quality and training of the chatbot.

If the question with a correct answer has already been added by the chatbot trainer, then the chatbot can help the visitor. Is the question missing from the knowledge base? Then it is important to add the question with the correct answer, so that the bot can help the visitor in the future. So during training, it is extremely important to optimize the file. You do this by asking the chatbot as many questions as possible in different variations.

Influence on the quality of a chatbot

In addition to answering complex questions, there are a few more points where the chatbot has difficulty:

  • Answering questions in another language;
  • Showing emotion and empathy;
  • Recognizing spelling errors.

Answering questions in another language

Often the chatbot is set to the language of the website, target audience or country of establishment. The same goes for the file and training the chatbot has received. Words and phrases coming from another language are often not included in this file and training. This ensures that questions in another language are also not understood by the chatbot and thus the visitor is not helped with his question.

Showing emotion and empathy

Another thing the chatbot has a hard time with is showing emotion, empathy and recognizing sarcasm. The human aspect that does exist with a live chat operator is difficult to convey with a robot.

Recognizing spelling errors

In addition, spelling errors can cause the chatbot to fail to recognize important words in the question and prevent the visitor from giving the correct answer.

What if the chatbot can’t help?

Training and continuous optimization of the knowledge base ensures an ever-improving chatbot that answers questions independently and correctly. However, there will always be questions or situations where the bot cannot help. This is where the live chat operator or chatbot trainer appears on the scene.

A combination of the chat operator and bot is called a managed chatbot. If a bot does not understand the situation or question, it can hand over or transfer the chat to a human chat operator. The chat operator can then help the website visitor further or get them in touch with your organization. This form is extremely profitable for both better service and more leads.

In short

That was a lot of information. What does the article say in short?

  • What does the quality of a chatbot depend on?
    The quality of chatbots varies from company to company and depends on 2 factors:
    • Software quality;
    • Chatbot training.
  • How do you increase the quality of a chatbot?
    First, you increase quality with an optimized knowledge base. Simple questions regarding contact information such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers and opening hours are quickly and easily answered by the bot. Other short, simple questions can also be answered this way. In addition, you need to train a chatbot continuously.
  • What are difficulties for chatbots?
    In addition to answering complex questions, there are a few more points where the chatbot has difficulties:
    • Answering questions in another language;
    • Showing emotion and empathy;
    • Recognizing spelling errors.
  • What if a chatbot can’t help?
    There will always be questions or situations where the bot cannot help. This is where the live chat operator or chatbot trainer appears. If a bot does not understand the situation or question, it can hand over or transfer the chat to a human chat operator.