Conversational Service

Conversational Service is a method of helping potential or existing customers that focuses on building a long-term relationship, rather than solving a series of isolated problems. By using context and conversations, you make it easier for customers to get help and can deliver more personalized support!

The secret of conversational service

The omnichannel approach

We have more channels to communicate today than ever before. You can choose one or a few channels from these to use for your organization, but why not make sure your potential or existing customers can reach you through any channel? With Bconnect’s omnichannel platform, you easily bundle all channels, allowing visitors to reach you through any platform they want. That way, you lower the barrier to contact and nothing stands in the way of a long-term, pleasant relationship.

Omnichannel benadering

Customer history ready

How would you like it if you, as a regular customer, had to tell who you are, what you do and what your situation is every time you contact a company? Very annoying and out of date. Through clever integrations, we are able to store and access data in such a way that with every conversation you can help the visitor more and more personally, quickly and accurately.

Building trust

So with Conversational Service, you use conversations and context not only to help the visitor the first time, but lay the foundation for a longer relationship. You increase the likelihood that a visitor will return, build a regular customer base and improve your organization’s image. Before you know it, the good reviews will spread like wildfire!

Conversational service | Bconnect

Curious about Conversational Service?

We like to lead by example when it comes to Conversational Service. So, if you have questions or need more information. Start a chat with us!

Who is going to do it?

Choose the service that suits you! Do you prefer to outsource all with Managed Chat, go for the best of both worlds with Hybrid chat, or do it all yourself?

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With Managed Chat, you’re available 24/7 and you’ll get the most out of your online messaging. Bconnect’s trained live agents provide you with qualified leads.

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Chat with backup yourself

Combine the best of both worlds with Hybrid Chat. Have conversations with your visitors and use Bconnect’s professional safety net at peak volume or after business hours.

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Chat yourself

All communication channels in one central omnichannel chat platform. Effortlessly reach your visitors wherever, whenever and on whatever channel you want!

Want to know more?

Check out these articles!