Requirements for a Live Chat Operator: What do I need?

10 Nov, 2020 in Working as a Chat Operator | 2 mins lees tijd
Chatbot vs live chat

Working from home as a live chat operator is obviously an ideal job alongside your studies. But what are the requirements for a live chat operator, what points should you meet? There are some requirements to consider when you want to apply!

The requirements to become a live chat operator

Before you can start working as a chat operator, we will of course check to see if you are a suitable candidate for this job. Like any other workplace, as a chat operator you go through an application process. What are important qualities you must have to get started as a chat operator?

  • Typing speed
  • Communication skills
  • Work environment

Let’s take a detailed look at these points!

Typing speed

When you go to apply for a job as a chat operator, you need to send a few things, such as your resume and motivation. We also ask about your typing speed, we obviously want candidates who type smoothly and accurately to help website visitors as quickly as possible. How do we measure this? Very simple, we ask you to take a typing test and attach a screenshot of it to your application.

Communication skills

In addition to being able to type quickly and accurately, we also expect you to have good communication skills. Because everything is via chat , it is sometimes difficult to recognize emotions. We want you to excel at this. You know what the visitor needs and can respond well to incoming messages with the right, appropriate responses. Of course, these are also qualities that we train extra on the job, but a good foundation is very important.

Work environment

Work environment? I work from home, don’t I? True. But we do expect your work environment to meet a few points. In fact, working from a noisy room with lots of distractions does not give a good quality. Therefore, we ask for a quiet work environment without distractions. In addition, you must also have a stable Internet connection and work with two screens. The second screen is important because you have to search for a lot of information. This allows you to monitor the chat while you find answers to visitors’ questions.

Working from home as a chat operator? Apply!

Do you meet the above points and would you like to work as a chat operator? Then don’t wait any longer and apply! We look forward to meeting you (digitally)!