5-stappen programma

Ons doel is om geweldige conversaties te hebben met uw klanten. Daarom is alles in het proces gericht op continue verbetering van de kwaliteit van onze conversaties en resultaten. Kortom, het Bconnect 5-stappen programma.

Go for experience, quality and results.
Go for Bconnect.

The power of the 5-step program

At Bconnect, we believe in the power of our 5-step program and we love to share its benefits with you! Because however difficult generating leads may seem sometimes, there’s always ways to succeed at it. With the 5-step program, we use a customer-centric strategy to achieve the best results. Ready? Start, target, engage, convert, optimize.

De kracht van het 5-stappen programma

Step 1: A good start....

Is half the battle! Great conversations begin with good preparation. Bconnect does the prep for you. Through our experience and knowledge, we lay the foundation for an excellent visitor experience. To ensure success we make use of an extensive knowledge database and provide in quality training as well as knowledge transfer to your employees – We’ve got you covered!


Step 2: Your goal is our goal



, sales or just

better service to existing customers

? Bconnect makes sure the targeting strategy lines up with your goals and wishes. Using the 3w foundation, we help you to determine what your needs are. 3w questions are: Who do you want to reach? Where do you want to reach them? When do you want to reach them? Based on more than 500 live chat project implementations, we know exactly how to help you achieve what you envision and set up the software for you.

Richt op

Ask us anything!

We like to lead by example when it comes to customer support.

So, if you have any questions or want more information, book a video call or chat with us!


Step 3: A consistent, high-quality customer experience

Visitor may have different preferences. For example, where some like to use

live chat

, the other is quicker to make contact via
or Facebook Messenger. Whatever the preference, with Bconnect you have all your desired channels under one roof, so you are always ready and able to speak to your visitors quickly. In short: everything for an optimal customer experience!


Step 4: From visitor to lead

In a conversation with sales opportunities, there is no time to waste! Thanks to Bconnect’s systems, you easily and quickly transfer the lead to the right person within the organization. Do you want the lead to go directly into the CRM, or would you rather have it via email or Facebook Messenger? No problem: our output seamlessly integrates with your business processes and systems!


Step 5: Raise the bar

Our job doesn’t stop when you have a new customer or lead. Because at Bconnect, we are constantly improving and expanding our services and processes. The focus is entirely on improving quality and results. In other words, we keep raising the bar.

That is our promise to you!