What questions can a live chat operator from Bconnect answer?

06 Nov, 2020 in Working as a Chat Operator | 2 mins lees tijd
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What questions can a live chat operator from Bconnect answer?

Live chat operators are knowledgeable to a lot of company information. Therefore, before chatting on a website, a chat operator undergoes training on the website, products and/or services. With this training, the chat operator will know all the specifics and details about your organization. Think about your products/services, prices and current promotions. In addition, a knowledge base is being developed where a variety of situations, questions and answers are given. This way, the chat operator always knows exactly what to answer in specific situations, such as price inquiries, complaints or specific questions about a product.

In this way, 95% of the questions asked can be answered directly by a chat operator. On top of that, 96% of what visitors say about live chat is positive.

Live Chat operator: what questions are there?

We distinguish two types of questions: simple questions and complex questions. Simple questions include contact information (such as e-mail addresses, locations and branches), opening hours, features or availability. Simple questions are in the knowledge base and can be answered within seconds by trained chat operators.

What if the question is not in the knowledge base? Then the question is added when asked by a visitor. Complex questions are about practices, very specific details of products or services, or comparisons between products. These complex questions can usually also be answered from the specified practices in the knowledge base, and in some cases the chat operator will make the comparisons himself on the relevant website.

What questions can’t a live chat operator answer?

In addition to simple and complex questions, there are also questions that a chat operator cannot answer. The remaining 5% of questions. These are questions about very specific information or personal information. For example, in many cases a chat operator does not know the price of a product, simply because it can only be given after calculating a quote. Suppose a visitor is looking for a dormer and asks for a price. The organization’s salesperson can give a much better answer to this (with possible slack in negotiating) than a chat operator. Also, chat operators cannot share employee contact information and have no visibility into their schedules. Should these situations occur, you will be asked nicely if a follow-up from your side is desired and the visitor will leave the contact information.