Facebook Messenger

With Facebook Messenger, your customers are easily accessible. A familiar channel that continues to gain popularity in various audiences. By connecting Ai to Messenger through our platform, you give customers lightning-fast answers.

Get closer to your target audience

With Facebook Messenger, you are where your customers are

That sounds simple, but do you actually do it? A whopping 96% of the Dutch use Social Media, 74% of whom are on Facebook. Chances are that this is also where your target audience is and uses Facebook Messenger . Through our platform, you can choose whether to chat yourself, or link Messenger to Smart AI. Ask for terms and conditions.

Chat gesprek

Facebook Messenger, an additional channel

With Bconnect’ s AI Powered ChatRocket , you have one central platform where all channels come in to one inbox. This makes it easy to keep oversight in this tangle of channels. That’s pretty convenient, right? Complete your offer in digital customer contact with Facebook Messenger!

Enjoy all the benefits of Facebook Messenger

Interaction with a simple mouse click, 24/7 accessibility and almost everyone in the world uses it. Just some of the advantages of Facebook Messenger. With its sophisticated AI chatbot capabilities and endless integrations, Facebook Messenger adds value for everyone.

Converteer naar lead

Curious about the possibilities of Facebook Messenger?

At Bconnect, we are confident in our platfrom. Hence, we are happy to show off the features, without obligation, so you can see for yourself. What are you waiting for?

Who is going to do it?

Choose the service that suits you! Do you prefer to outsource all with Managed Chat, go for the best of both worlds with Hybrid chat, or do it all yourself?

Live chat agent icoon


Bconnect’s trained operators or AI chatbot provide you with qualified leads 24/7.

Bconnect | Deal icoon

Chat yourself, but with backup

Make your own calls and use Bconnect’s professional safety net at peak times or off-hours.

Gereedschap icoon

Chat yourself

Reach your visitors effortlessly. All communication channels in one central omnichannel chat platform.

This is what our customers say

Wondering what our customers think? Read it here.